April Hilland’s Kickstarter was fully funded less than two weeks into her campaign.

Launching a new book in itself is incredibly daunting but launching it as a Kickstarter is even WILDER to imagine.  Truthfully though, if you are serious about a successful book launch, you are already doing many things that you’d be doing anyway for a Kickstarter.  Here is my list of THREE must do’s before launching a Kickstarter to fund your book.

  1. BACK OTHER AUTHOR CAMPAIGNS!  Yes!  This is the number 1 way to really get an idea of what launching a book on a crowdfunding site looks like. As a pledger, you will be in the front row of a campaign from start to finish. You will receive updates, marketing posts and follow the author’s journey.  Not only will you help out a fellow indie author, this opens the door to connect with them and when it’s your turn to launch, chances are that they will return the favour!
  1. Join as many author groups as you can.  Connect with other authors in meaningful conversations. Do this early (before you launch) and you will have a group of cheerleaders and mentors to turn to throughout your campaign.
  1. Don’t be that “hey girl” when you launch your Kickstarter Campaign.  Maintain your connections through Facebook, Instagram, and yes…TikTok! Nobody likes the DMs out of nowhere only when you need their support.  
  1. Grow your mailing list EARLY. Like…really, really early!  Thinking of launching a campaign in a year? Perfect!  Start growing that list now. Think about what value you can offer to readers who join your mailing list. Book recommendations? Sneak peeks at your upcoming projects?  Start brainstorming now for future content.

April Hilland is a children’s author with six books published. She is also a teacher-librarian on Vancouver Island and loves to share her passion for reading and writing with her students.

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